Indonesia Import custom clearance procedure with Nomor Induk Berusaha (NIB)

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Hi Undername Import-Export Indonesia and freight forwarder in Indonesia blog readers,We meet again on these article blog opportunity,we shall discuss for thetips  procedure of customs cleara nce ,handling Import ,customs brokerage, importing goods into Indonesia. Recently, Indonesian gove rnment continue to improve and fix regulation for export and import of goods to/ from Indonesia.with Nomor Induk Berusaha (NIB) API-U/API-P Online (Update 19 Desember 2019)

Read more:Update Data NIK Melalui Portal OSS Online Jadi Nomor Induk Berusaha (NIB)
Read More:Undername Import Door to Door (Cargo From USA,Hungary)Surabaya To Pulau Bali

Youtube Channel: Indonesia Customs Clearance Procedure Import-API Online -Import Licence-Nomor Induk Berusaha (NIB)

Perpres 28 Tahun 2019 About NIB Online Indonesia
As per new regulation form our government with Perpres Nomor 28 Tahun 2018.You can make the license NIB Online our government webiste 

Called OSS-Republik Indonesia with Online Single Submission (OSS ) and example NOMOR INDUK BERUSAHA (NIB) CLICK IN HERE (Re-write by dedy MP 0812. 1371.3219 )

#.Indonesia Import custom clearance procedure

These improvements to make investment in Indonesia continue to grow from time to time.
With all the incentives had been given by Indonesia government for export and import section

Indonesian governments expect to have smooth execution for import and export.

Infrastructures in all over Indonesian has been build and also improvements in exchange for EDI system/PPJK transfer in import and export has been execute quite well..

Herewith the procedure to make company for foreign investment in indonesia.

If you are a foreign citizen and would like to start business in Indonesia, you may come into
  • Company Notary Certificate up to the ID Tax Number called in indonesia NPWP ( Nomor Pokok wajib pajak )
  • You must make NIB-Nomor Induk Berusaha , the Identity Number include for SIUP,TDP,API-U/P and Number ID customs OSS-Republik Indonesia
  • Other import license required for prohibited and restrictions goods you can ask directly into Kemendag Republic Of Indonesia
  • To check whether your products is classified of the export and import restrictions and restrictions you can refer to the website
Read more:Procedure for creating Nomor Induk Berusaha (NIB) API Online Indonesia
Read more:Nomor Induk Berusaha (NIB) Cara Buat API-U/P-SIUP-TDP Nomor Akses Kepabeanan Online
Indonesia Import custom clearance procedure with Nomor Induk Berusaha (NIB)
Indonesia Import custom clearance procedure with Nomor Induk Berusaha (NIB)
Procedure of handling imported goods in Indonesia

All imported goods entering Indonesia must go through import procedures through Indonesian custo- ms and excises in accordance with Indonesian government regulations and subject to customs and other taxes,import charge, related to import unless specifically exempted from the law.

Procedure of importing goods after goods arrived at seaports and airport in Indonesia will be execut- ed as follows :
  • Commercial Invoice
  • Packing list
  • Bill loading atau Airwaybil
  • Authorized letter for custom broker / EDI System company
  • Copy sales contract / purchase order
  • Picture / catalog / goods brochure
  • Copy Tax ID Number (NPWP)
  • Copy of Import - Export license Nomor Induk Berusaha (NIB) API-U / API-P
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Procedures to create PIB (Import Notification of Goods)
  • Search and find it custom broker ( PPJK-Electronic Data Intechange system company).
  • If you had find it then send copy of documents that I had explained as above ( invoice, packing list etc ).
  • You will receive draft PIB (Import Notification of Goods)
  • If you are agreed with the draft then the data will be transfer into indonesian custom and excise through portal.
  • portal will respond and issued e-billing ( request to paid tax from Indonesian government through Indonesian custom and excise ).
  • Paid e-billing through  bank appointed by Indonesian government.
  • Collect original documents and if being requested by custom, you can handover it through your forwarder/custom broker.
  • After tax payment, you will another respond from the system in the form of , green, yellow or red line respond.
I will give you outline for each respond..

Green Line Import respond

If your company get the green respond then your company will get SPPB ( Approval from custom to release the goods ).

Yellow Line Import Respond

If your company get yellow line respond then you must handover original documents into custom to be checked and examine, if your documents is correct and genuine according  custom point of view( PFPD –(Officer in charge in custom to verify the documents )

then they will release green respond but if custom judgment your invoice value is under value then they will issue correction note means you must paid additional tax.

If you had correction note then system will send to you e-billing correction note then you will paid additional tax import of your goods. After you paid at the bank then within one hours you will get green line respondfrom indonesian customs server
Red Line/Jalur Merah Respond 

Ff your company get red line/Jalur Merah respo nd then both your goods and documents will be checked by custom field officer. After they chec ked and if they analysis is correct and genuine then custom field officer will issue survey report ( LHP– Laporan Hasil Pemeriksaan )

After survey report send into the custom office in charge to verify the documents they will issue either green line or INP.

If their analysis your goods and price is match with custom and excise guidance then they will issue green line but if their analysis your price is under value then they will asked for INP ( Inkrah custom value ) through custom broker/ EDI System Indonesia called in Indonesia.Indonesia Modul PDE Internet PIB Dan PEB Export & Import Bea Cukai

You must handover copy PO along with INP/DNP-Import Declaration Letter , better if you also attached your payment copy or original. If your documents is correct and genuine then custom officer will issue green line or if they thinks there is mistake on your goods data or under value then custom officer will issue correction. .

If you had correction note then system will send to you e-billing correction note then you will paid additional tax import of your goods. After you paid at the bank then within one hours you will get green line respond.

Before or after you get green line respond, it will be better you paid D/O Delivery order Online into carrier orrfice or agent carrier office as per your carrier info in BL-Bill Of Lading, you also need to paid storage charges,
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Indonesia Import custom clearance procedure with Nomor Induk Berusaha (NIB)
Indonesia Import custom clearance procedure with Nomor Induk Berusaha (NIB)
After getting green respond then you need to take out the container immediately from custom are since in custom area or in Container yard at the seaport they will charge you based on multiple charge for storage charges Tarif Penumpukan Storage JICT Indonesia

For DO (Delivery Order) documents it will be available after you paid at Air Asia Airline Cargo Company or shipping freight forwarder international company in indonesia..

Ok, it means finished for import goods at custom area in indonesia.

#.Indonesia Customs clearance export proceudre How about if I want to export to overseas ??
  • Copy Invoice 
  • Copy Packing list
  • Shipping instruction
  • Authorized letter for custom broker/EDI System
  • Copy Tax ID Number (NPWP)
  • Copy License for established company
  • Copy company register
  • Copy of Import license Nomor Induk Berusaha ( NIB) - API-U / API-P - Optional )
How about for the export documents process in Indonesia ??
  • Search and find it custom broker ( PPJK/EDI System ).
  • If you had find it then send copy of documents that I had explained as above ( invoice, packing list etc ).
  • You will receive draft PEB (Export Notification of Goods)
  • If you are agreed with the draft then the data will be transfer into indonesian custom and excise through portal.
  • portal will send respond NPE ( Export approval note ) or PPB ( physical checking for goods / physical checking respond is very rare except for the goods that has been arranged by the government ).
  • After ypou received NPE then you can send the cargo into custom area.
Indonesia Import custom clearance procedure with Nomor Induk Berusaha (NIB)
Indonesia Import custom clearance procedure with Nomor Induk Berusaha (NIB)
Is it easy to export general goods in Indonesia ?

Very easy to export general trade goods and no need to pay tax except for the goods that has been arrange by government. You may check it for export prohibited and restriction--

How about if I want to export but my license is under progress ??

You can use undername import service for export and import. You may search it at google. All the procedure and rules will not much different. It will be better if you make indentor agreement to make your goods is safe and legal.

To make sure your data is accurate i.e ,HS Code, classification, you can visit our government website :https://www. or custom at or

Closing Article Indonesia Import custom clearance procedure with Nomor Induk Berusaha (NIB)

Import goods into Indonesia is simple if you follow import rules that has been organized by our government.

If there is prohibited and restriction in import rules as per HS code from Indonesian government, then you must get the license first before you send the goods from origin country.

Export is more simple in license and execution of data transfer through EDI System Online. If there is prohibited (Lartas such as certificate of inspection,PI-Persetujuan Impor) and restriction then you must get the license first.

After you get the license then you can send the goods with the procedure as I explain in above..
So, are you interest to invest import export company in Indonesia ??
I closed the article about  Indonesian Import custom clearance procedure with a Business Identificati on Number (NIB),I hope your business is success in here..

Good luck.

Re-write by dedy

Mobile phone : 0812.1371.3219
Update Oct 17, 2018
Update January 16 2019
Update 15 Oktober 2019


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