Surveyor Certificate For Import Garment to Jakarta Indonesia

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Surveyor Certificate/certificate of inspection /Laporan Surveyor For Import Garment to Jakarta-Indonesia,today I share experiences for the importation of garments from abroad for the purpose of  jakarta in my blog Jasa Sewa Undername Import And Jasa Sewa Undername Export ,this is not clothes bikini victoria secret (just kidding)and this is t-shirts for man and women according to the provisions imported goods for garment must meet the requirements applicable in the customs territory Indonesia (Edited:31 January 2020)

Read More:Jasa undername import besi baja
Read More:Contoh Surat Laporan Surveyor Sucofindo dan Laporan Surveyor KSO Sucofindo Indonesia
Surveyor Certificate For Import Garment to Jakarta Indonesia
image from:
I will not beat around the bush. imported goods to Indonesia garment should wear surve yor certificate before the vessel or aircraft depart ing from the country of origin,as an example of singapore other other county such as USA, Europe Middle east,China and other country arround the world.

Risk if you do not take care of the L.S or surveyor's cretificate/certificate of inspection the goods can not be clearance out from bonded zone,Trouble the customs clearance even if you only possessed the document import 

Without surveyor certificate/certificate of inspection ;Hence goods you will be in rejected for the process of customs clearance and likely must be re-exported or returned and if you need import besi baja from other country to Indonesia Click Article:Cara Buat Izin PI-Persetujuan Impor Besi Baja Dan Laporan Surveyor

Read More: Nomor Induk Berusaha (NIB) Import and export license in Indonesia by OSS Online
Read more:Undername Import Borongan Dan Undername Import Resmi (Update)
Surveyor Certificate For Import Garment to Jakarta Indonesia
Jasa Import Textile Dan Garment Dari China Ke Jakarta-Import Resmi

Surveyor Certificate For Import Garment to Jakarta Indonesia
Air Asia Cargo Import Dan Undername Import Garment Shanghai Ke Jakarta
Examples there are customers who need import goods garment from singapore to jakarta indonesia and delivery to HARD ROCK CAFE -BALI Inconesia , (T-shirts for Men and Women) with HS Code: 6109.10.1000 , not bikini .... ya hehehhe .

For more details regarding the prohibition and restriction of imported goods can be viewed on the website:

Process surveyor inspection import must be done before the goods departure from country origin .consignee in jakarta must be filling out an application online or manually to surveyors Indone sia. If your company is already registered at  (if not you can registered and sign up to or PT Surveyor Indonesia - KSO Sucofindo ) then enter the following data:
Fill the data correctly and precisely, send and submit data then you will get a response back from the surveyor Indonesia:
Pay the invoice to the bank account the pt surveyor better through independent banks will be faster and thereafter at the same time in the country of origin (eg singapore) party supllier will get a letter or e-mail from KSO or associates / partners surveyor in singapore, namely:
Such data must be completed and sent back by the vendor or supplier via e-mail or fax to the office of partners / co-surveyor in the country of origin for goods inspection request. In accordance with the data fields from the supplier and confirmation from consignee in jakarta...

..... the goods will be in inspected on demand and after the goods in the country of origin inspection by surveyor officer staff and after inspection it could have set off the goods. it would be better to wait for confirmation of the departure of goods from the consignee in Indonesia

If you are in Indonesian use undername import consignee konfrmasi OK for surveyor documents and supporting documents, the goods can be immediately departure from country origin , if the request is by air freight then arrange by air freight , 

Freight forwarder  by sea freight then arrange by sea freight.Goods arriving in Indonesia you can immediately to process and making import declaration to pay import duty , tax , sales tax , adm bank or ( PIB called in indonesia ) for customs processes

After pay import duty take the SURVEYOR CERTIFICATE/Laporan Surveyor/Certificate of Inspection 

Read more:Jasa Undername Import-Export Dan Freight Forwarder  
Read More :Indonesia Export Clearance procedure with Nomor Induk Berusaha (NIB) 

Surveyor Certificate For Import Garment to Jakarta Indonesia
Pic by:
To the surveyor's office address:


Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu Kav 16
Pancoran - Jakarta Selatan 12780
Telepon +6221-1500576
Telepon +6221-80667111

And than transfer documents to indonesian customs via EDI System company or PPJK Called In indonesia , submit all documents that you receive appropriate respond after get respond via PPJK / Edi System and then you can waiting respond red line , green line or yellow green from customs office 

If you get respond from, please sending all document original to customs office and then you can waiting respond, for GREEN LINE you can directly get import declaration or SPPB (Surat Perintah Pengeluran Barang) and clear out cargo as soon as possible after it without problem

If the cargo get respond RED LINE this is easy you can report to customs officer and asking him to inspect for red line and after inspection send all document inspection , copy document and submit to customs office and you can waiting respond again from EDI System or PPJK, if any pinalty because your under invoice , please pay the pinalty to the bank and on 1 hour you get Warrant Expenditures / SPPB 

If you get Instruction Letter Expenditure of the Goods from Customs / SPPB directly by EDI System / PPJK ,-Perusahaan Jasa Kepengurusan Pabean Indonesia Called In here In Indonesia Or Company Electronic Dt Interchange.

So you can cleared out cargo from bonded zone If cargo get respond YELLOW LINE 

After send document original to customs office you must be wait 1 - 2 day to get respond Instruction Letter Expenditure of the Goods from Customs / SPPB (Surat Persetujuan Pengeluaran Barang)  SPPB Garment Import 

So , more important start and the end your documentation especially before cargo departure to indonesia without any hindrance,because your document is perfect and valid

I closed the article titled Surveyor Certificate/certificate of inspection for Import Garment to Jakarta Indonesia 

Salam sukses

Edited:31 January 2020


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Then again, there are some article of clothing adornments, which add to the solace of the piece of clothing like shoulder braces, Linings, Interlinings, webbings, and so forth.Custom Iron On Patches
You are right about some of the commodities you mentioned above. If you want to import new goods from abroad to Indonesia, you need a surveyor's report, greetings from Indonesia.

Thanks for sharing!